Thursday, October 26, 2006


The new head of the heritage park responded to my email today. He told me that they are seeking grants themselves and could not help with the project financially which is fine and was not my concern. More interestingly, he told me that Frumie at the Arts Alliance was developing a similar project called Berlin stories. This is weird because I have emailed Frumie and been in contact with her and I did not understand that the alliance was working on something like this. I see it as an opportunity to collaborate and I hope this can work out.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

You lost me at GPS

I spoke to Stacia at the main street program about the project this week but she was not able to help very much at that point because I had not decided what the project was going to be. She did say that she sits on a lot of boards for the city and that she could help with the PR. She also gave me the name of another person to contact about zoning things and other issues.

When I saw some other friends this weekend I described the project to them and they were interested but did not quite "get it." One of them said, "You lost me at GPS." I need to find a way of explaining it that is more clear because many people I have spoken to about it might not "get it" either.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mill Yard Project

Here is a link to my Mill Yard project site

Spoke to Stacia Roberge about the project at the Main St program.
She mentioned that they could not financially sponsor the project but could help with promotion. She also mentioned that she sits on the board of many different committees so I should meet with her when the project is finalized.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Accents in full effect


Historical Sound Project

This is terribly boring but basically participants would walk around the empty field listening to the history of the mill and subsequently, the city because it is so connected to the mill.
Poof Tardif would probably have to help me with this.
Poof Tardiff, Historian

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

North American Dismantling Corp

great name

Change of Plans

Yesterday I emailed various local organizations I thought could help with the mill project. Later in the night, my mother told me that the building had been purchased and was going to be demonlished beginning in two weeks. It is going to be imploded. Amazing. The timing, of course, is really surprising to me because it had just officially shut down in May and it generally takes a long time for buildings to be demolished in Berlin. So now I am considering if the project can still happen and what needs to change about the project if the building is no longer there.

Read the article.
And another.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Berlin Project

I started emailing people and organizations in Berlin about the project asking for help and just telling them about the project.

Local NPR station
St. Kieran Community Arts
Arts Alliance Northern New Hampshire
Chapel Arts
Northern Forest Heritage Park

Can't find the number of Katy Bugeau and I'm not sure what group she belongs to. Of course, there are statewide art organizations that I will talk to next.

Most of these places support a traditional media. . . and even have emphasis on really traditional media (basketweaving, woodworking and other crafts.) They would normally exhibit landscape paintings and other more commerical art so I have to remember that and think of ways to frame the project so that it will be well-recieved by people who are unaccustomed to this type of work.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Potential Sites

Here are a list of potential sites I have chosen for Data Landscapes.
1. Millyard-Berlin NH
The closing of the mill has created a difficult economic situation and left the town without an identity. The structure and yard a huge and are the city's most well-known landmark.
2. Purgatory Chasm, Sutton MA
Close to Providence so it is feasible and I like the name. This might be an interesting place to actually explore the space between two binaries. . . sinner and saint.
3. American School for the Deaf, Hartford CT
This is the oldest Deaf school in the country and it houses a museum. It is very important in Deaf culture and history. Many "locative" media projects attempt to be democratic or outside of the priviledged space of the gallery but many involve sound and still create a hierarchy. Current technology allows these projects to be more inclusive.

New Spot for this

This is the new spot for the Datalandscapes blog because categorizing/tagging is horrible on blogspot. Plus I do want to keep it consistent, some of my other projects have their own blog.